Classic High Top Fade Look by WAHL

Nov 12 , 2021


Classic High Top Fade Look by WAHL

Trendy men's look: Classic High Top Fade

High Top Fades continues to be one of the most popular men's haircuts around. Men love this look because it is modern, attractive and very easy to match. The style goes naturally with any type of clothing, both elegant and casual. While the neck, nape and side areas feature a perfect fade and precise contour lines, the top hair is structured a little more and gives a natural look.

When cutting, the key is precise fading and correct technique at the top of the head. Gertjan van Gils from WAHL Artistic Team Holland relies on different types of hair clippers designed specifically for the respective area of ​​application ensuring perfect transitions (Cordless Magic Clip) , a stunning texture and a clean finish (WAHL Finale) . The style is ready in seconds and always looks fashionable, regardless of whether the wearer is at work or entertaining in their free time.

Look Classic High Top Fade

Classic High Top Fade Model

Complete guide to the classic High Top Fade

Step 1: Part the top hair at the temples into a horseshoe-shaped line.

Step 1 Classic High Top Fade

Step 2: Shorten the hair in the neck area using the comb technique towards the parietal part of the head. Using the same technique, create a guide line at the top of the head using the Cordless Magic Clip and an open set of blades. Then, using the 4.5mm and 3mm lifts and alternating between an open and closed set of blades, gently blend the upward transition from short hair onto the neck and back of the head.

Step 2 Classic High Top Fade

Step 3: Divide the top area into two sections. Cut the hair at the top of the head evenly at a 90° angle. Next, go to the back of the head and define point A as the longest point to prevent the angle at the top of the head from being too flat. Define this point as a guideline to join the length of your hair to the length at the top of your head. Work the entire top using the point cutting technique and the Cordless Magic Clip .

Classic High Top Fade Step 3

Step 4: Once again create a center parting at the top of your head and comb the top part of your hair evenly downwards. Trim the lengths of the hair at the sides and make sure the flow of the hair is stretched towards the front at a 30° angle to create a harmonious overall look afterwards.

Classic High Top Fade Step 4

Step 5: Using the slicing technique, cut out the uneven areas at the top of the head.

Classic High Top Fade Step 5

Step 6: Then clean the lower neck area and contour with WAHL Finale . For finishing, blow dry your hair and accentuate it with the correct styling product for your respective hair type.

Photos: WAHL / Jose Donatz Photographs
Hair: Gertjan van Gils / WAHL Artistic Team Holland